Sunday 20 January 2019

Preserving The Past

Question 1. Do you clean the rubbish before making them into art?
2. How did you come up with the idea?
3. What happens to the clothes after you made them?
4. Why did you create this "WOW" project?
5. Has it done any good?


  1. Hi Blake!

    You've come up with some good questions that would provide different areas of the creator's thinking behind the World of Wearable Art. Next time it would be helpful to give a description of what the post/activity is about. For the first question, I would say that recycled materials are used, (so I'd guess they would be clean already) not rubbish, at least from my knowledge. Your third question, though (What happens to the clothes after you've made them?) is one that stands out, and it makes me wonder, too! Do they go on display? Or are they eventually recycled?

    Nice work! Keep it up :D


  2. Hello Blake,
    I had really enjoyed reading your questions, but then I thought that some of those questions can actually make a difference. Like "did you pick up the rubbish then use it", because that is so interesting and unusual to ask. I also like your question on 'Has it done any good?' because sometimes your good ideas don't go to plan.

    Maybe next time you can add a picture and talk about the WOW theme.

    Happy Blogging
    Gargee HPS


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