Friday 20 December 2019

Summer Learning Journey Week 1 Day 5

For  this activity we had to find someone that has made a difference to the world.

You may not have heard of this person his name is Masujiro Hashimoto he is one of the four founders of Nissan Motors. Nissan Motors is one of the biggest Automobile brands currently. I bet you a person you know owns a Nissan of some sort. I find cars very cool. Does anyone else reading this like cars?


  1. Hi Blake
    I had never heard of Masujiro Hashimoto until you did an amazing explanation. Great job

  2. Hi Blake

    Well done for sharing this with us all. Like Molly I have not heard of this person. But he is obviously very successful. Creating his own car company if a big deal.
    Yes I do know people that drive a Nissan car. It was also my daughters first car. She had her Nissan Pulsar for a few years, she has just sold it. But it was a great car.

    Because you like cars so much, it is something that maybe you could do when you are older. You could either fix cars or sell cars! You sound like you would know what you are talking about!

    Great work Blake for choosing someone different.

    Until next time

    Allie :)


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