Tuesday 15 January 2019

A Protective Plant

10 things I would plant in my garden...

1. carrots
2. potatoes
3. gherkins
4. tomatoes
5. capsicum
6. snow peas
7. corn
8. lettuce
9. onion
10. strawberry's

these are all things that we have in our garden at home and that I like to eat.


  1. Hello Blake,
    I am Vitaraag. Those choices were very interesting. I like the corn. You worked so hard. Maybe next time you could add more information about why you planted them. Keep up the good work!


    1. Thank you Vitaraag for the comment. I didn't plant them my mum and my mums friend did.

  2. Hi Blake

    It is Allie from the SLJ team. This is an awesome list of things that you have in your garden. Whats even better is that you do actually have these in you garden. Well done for showing us the photo of this too. It is a very healthy looking garden.
    What is your favourite thing on that list?
    Mine would be the tomatoes. I really like the taste of tomatoes that are grown at home in the garden. I think they taste completely different from the ones that you but at the supermarket.
    I bet you like the strawberries! Do you have enough plants to be able to share these with your whole family.
    We have strawberries in our garden but there is only enough for a snack if you happen to be in the right place at the right time and pick it off the plant. Then you get to eat it straight away!!
    I must say I do like the new potatoes too. If you cook heaps for tea and they don't get eaten they make really nice chips the next day!

    Great work Blake

    Until next time

    Allie :)


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