Sunday 20 January 2019

The Sky's The Limit!

1. We could completely ban plastic.
2. We could find another way to burn things.
3. We could have a big huge clean out of the great pacific garbage patch.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there Blake,

    It's great to see you thinking about the things that we could do to save the environment. I love your first point and it's wonderful to see that many of our big supermarkets have already began creating a ban on plastic bags. Many cafes and restaurants have also decreased their use of plastic by giving out paper or cardboard straws instead of plastic ones. Our planet and our friends in the ocean will definitely be happy to hear about our gradual change!

    That's a very creative idea that you have come up with, I really like it! We can definitely use research to see if we can come up with new ideas to burn or dispose of our rubbish more efficiently and safely. In the meantime, we can do our little part everyday. For example, we can bring our own reusable bags when we go to the supermarket or shopping malls. I'm happy to hear that you've thought about how to make our country and the planet a healthier place, keep it up!

    Happy blogging,
    Evelyn :)


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