Wednesday, 8 January 2020

Summer Learning Journey Week 4 Day 3 Activity 3

For this activity we were asked if we would join a 40/20 hour famine. A 40/20 hour famine is basically when you can't eat but you can drink for 40 hours. Julian Dennison has done a 40 hour famine to raise money for people in Uganda. I would love to join a 20 hour famine when I get older but for now ill  probably pass on doing one.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Blake,

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the 40/20 hour famine. I think it is such a cool idea. I did a 20 hour famine when I was younger. I found it a little challenging because I kept forgetting I was doing it! I accidentally ate half an apple, but other than that I didn’t eat anything for the whole 20 hours.

    Just so you know, to get full points for this activity you need to provide at least 6 sentences. Do you think you could add a little bit more information to your blog post? Maybe you could tell us what you think it would be like to go 20 hours without eating. What food would you miss the most?

    Thanks for sharing this Blake. I am interested to know more about your thoughts on 40/20 hour famine.



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