Friday 13 April 2018

The Swimming Race: A Sporting Moment in Time

Recently in Room five we had Midland Line Swimming Sports. We were told to write a description about that day. Here it is.

As I walk into the pool I start to feel butterflies in my stomach. All the other schools have arrived and are waiting for us to come and sit down. There are lots of schools there and as I walk to the bench, it is like they are all looking at me. The first race is the one hundred meter race. They have other one hundred meters races because there are more then five competitors. After that race they call out number three “NOW I’M REALLY NERVOUS!”. This race is the one length freestyle, here we go I’m in the pool waiting for the teacher to SLAM! the bricks together. All of a sudden SLAM! I get off to a bad start so I go faster I can see the other racers next to me zooming ahead of me I kick harder and end up coming third I hit the end in relief “Race Well Done” I grumble to myself. "OKAY" I think to myself I can do this I check my arm and realize I have quite some time till my next race.

Okay, now we are at number 10 and I’m waiting in line with my opponents thinking about winning, although I don’t think I will. We are next. As I wait in the water my hand starts to hurt then SLAMMMMMMM!! Go the bricks sounding like they are going to break it is then when I get halfway across the pool on my first length I realize i’m second “I CAN DO THIS’’ I say in my mind. On my second length now I saved my energy on the last lap and now I think I am first, and before you know it I’ve hit the end of the pool. Parents say “Good Job” and the ones that know me say “Well Done Blake” as I walk across the end of the pool trying not to trip over on the pool lane ropes.

I hand my time to the person who writes the times then I head back to the bench. I think my next race is one length breaststroke as I’m waiting my name gets called out and I’m waiting for the race that is happening now and I’m standing on the edge of the pool, I’m going to dive then “SLAMMMM!” off I go as I’m in the air, then when I splash into the water all that excitement fades away….. “What are you doing” I just about fell asleep, I push my head up and gulp for air I feel very weird doing this because I’m bobbing up for air every few seconds I push both of my hands and realize that I CAME FIRST! I’m so proud of myself. There were multiple races throughout the day and I can’t wait to do it again.

This is me in breaststroke!

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